Getting to Know Aero Series: Deepika

The team at Aero Group is small but our dedication to our clients is unmatched!

We wanted to introduce our little family to you through our Getting to Know Aero series. Today we will introduce to you one of our new Tax Accountants, Deepika Adhikari. Get to know what shaped Deepika to be the person she is now!

Say hi to Deepika!

What drives you, Deepika?

 I have always been motivated by the desire to learn new things. I have always made a conscious effort to focus on professional development because I believe it’s important to continually learn in order to perform at the best level and remain competitive given the constant change within the accounting and taxation industry.

What book did you read that changed your life the most?

Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Book by Khaled Hosseini

My view towards life changed after I read ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ by Khaled Hosseini. The daily life struggles faced by the two protagonist women in this book helped me realize how privileged our lives are. This realization has assisted me to be determined to make the most of my privileges. This book also has taught me to never give up on my hopes and dreams and keep working on them no matter how difficult the circumstances are.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The tree laden with fruits always bends low. If you wish to be great, be lowly and meek

My grandmother told me this when I was little, and till date this is the best advice I have ever received. This is my reminder to be polite, humble and to always stay grounded.

What’s your current passion project outside of work?

Deepika with garden plants at balcony

 I love plants and gardening. It’s so satisfying to see something grow.  Whether it’s ornamental or food, it’s so satisfying to watch what you planted take off. I am currently trying to build a small balcony garden in my apartment.

What do you like to do during the weekends?

Weekend is for family time. Spending as much as time with my family outdoors either going to the parks or shopping.

What is your dream travel destination and why?

For now, my dream travel destination is Iceland. I would love to see the northern lights, a beautiful phenomenon of aurora borealis.

We hope you are enjoying this little series of our Aero Team. Tune in next time to get to know our other team members! 

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