Getting to Know Aero Series: Inaya!

The team at Aero Group is small but our dedication to our clients is unmatched!

We wanted to introduce our little family to you through our Getting to Know Aero series. Today we will introduce to you our newest QLD Admin, Inaya Kashif. Get to know Inaya better and say hello! 

Hello Inaya!

What drives you, Inaya?

There are numerous factors which drive me. However, the most significant one is to achieve my goals. To reach a goal, most likely you will fail and face many challenges and bumps along the way. But, even when I struggle to reach a goal, I know that the difficulties which occur while trying to reach this, is part of the journey.

What book did you read that changed your life the most?

Life of Pi

Book by Yann Martel

Numerous years ago, I read a book called “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel. In this book, there was many aspects which changed my perception. But a few which stick out to me were: Too not take things personally. Throughout this book, the main character was put in positions which were due to the fault of others. However, he chose not to take this personally and show resilience. Ever since reading this, I align this aspect with my life.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Always keep growing as a person 

A school teacher from many, many years ago gave me this advice. I think this has created a big impact on my mindset as I am always willing to learn more and take up any new opportunities, stepping out of my comfort zone.

What’s your current passion project outside of work?

Outside of work, I love to volunteer! I think it is vital to give back to the community one way or another. I previously volunteered at the Gold Coast Private Hospital. It is always an eye-opener to see how much time and effort goes into something you would ordinarily not notice.

What do you like to do during the weekends?

One of my favourite things to do is watch the sunset with the company of friends or family. We are very lucky to have some great spots to watch the sunset on the Gold Coast!

What is your dream travel destination and why?

My dream destination is to travel around Egypt!

Egypt has a lot of immersive history attached to it, which is very intriguing. The ancient Egyptian civilisation is something which has fascinated me for years!

We hope you are enjoying this little series of our Aero Team. Tune in next time to get to know our other team members! 

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