Getting to Know Aero Series: Ruth

The team at Aero Group is small but our dedication to our clients is unmatched!

We wanted to introduce our little family to you through our Getting to Know Aero series. Today we will introduce to you our newest addition, our Business Services Tax Accountant, Ruth Ann Sagmayao. Get to know what shaped Ruth to be the person she is now!

Say hi to Ruth

What drives you, Ruth?

The thought that I am blessed to help myself and others. 

What book changed your life the most and why?

The Little Book of Gratitude by Robert Emmons

This book reminds me to always count my blessings. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to know more about gratitude and have a gratitude practice in life.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t feel bad saying “no”. Saying “yes” all the time is not a good way to live your life “

What's your favourite way to spend your day off?

During my day offs I like to go somewhere I have never been to. Especially because I’ve recently just moved to Canberra, there are a lot of new spots for me to explore with my family.

What is your dream travel destination and why?

Iceland, because it seems to be in a different world.

What are 3 lessons you would give to your younger self?

– Know your worth.

– Take control of your life, or others will do it for you.

– Success is not about money, career or fame but how happy and content you are in life.

We hope you are enjoying this little series of our Aero Team. Tune in next time to get to know our other team members! 

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